
Churches of Garda



Monte San Giorgio Hermitage: some monks coming from Monte Rua Hermitage to settled here in 1665. Important place because it preserves the painting “il Giovane” by Palma representing San Romualdo, Camaldolite monks founder.

Località Monte San Giorgio
37011 Bardolino (Verona)
Phone/fax +39.045.7211390

S. Zeno Church, a small church dedicated to the patron saint and dates back to the eighth or ninth century. The chapel has a cross shape and barrel vaults. In the tambour is enclosed a cross vault, probably original of the epoch. Church’s columns capitals were built by craftsmen from the nearby Lombardy.
Romanesque Complex of San Severo church (twelfth century), including major frescoes and medieval crypt remains. The church remained abandoned for a long time, only in 1869 became municipality property and was transformed into a theatre. Restoration work was started in 1927 starting from major square apse demolition. Works continued by crypt excavation and, in 1932, the church was rebuilt on the ancient foundations apse.
The parish church is dedicated to San Nicola and San Severo and was rebuilt (above the ancient one, erected maybe in fifteenth century) in 1842, in Corinthian-style having wide pronaos, by B. Giuliari. Inside valuable paintings by G. Bevilacqua.
Santa Maria della disciplina church, dates 1396 reminded thanks to Fermo Fermi sarcophagus, belonging to bardolinese family.
Other churches are scattered throughout the country: in Corteline lying the Romanesque church of San Vito (thirteenth century), having a small mullioned window bell-tower: the church depended by San Colombano monastery and was abandoned in the seventeenth century.
On the border between Bardolino and Garda there is a twelfth century church dedicated to San Pietro.
On the hills you can find an hermitage including San Giorgio Church: Built in 1669 by the will of Camaldolite monks.
In Paerno there is an oratory dedicated to san Francesco, dates to seventeenth century, and the chapel dedicated to San Zeno, ninth century, that is one of the most interesting monuments of Carolingian and Verona architecture in northern Italy.

Mericianum Spirituality Centre: Evangelization initiatives facilitator and supporter centre operating in local Churches, it offers to participate in desert days, retreats, spiritual exercises, prayer experience, orientation courses, conferences.

Località Brodazzo
25015 Desenzano del Garda (Brescia)
Phone +39.030.9120356
Fax +39.030.9912435

In Capolaterra district, there is the sixteenth-century San Giovanni Decollato church. Inside you can see a remarkable wooden sculpture by Bolesini (Compianto), and paintings by Jan de Herdt (Sant’Antonio and Valentino con la Vergine), by Bertanza, Campi and Belanda.
Duomo, dedicated to Santa Maria Maddalena is a basilica-church built following a  Doric style since 1585 to 1611 and considered Todeschini architect masterpiece. The interior has three naves and important paintings, including the L’Ultima Cena by Tiepolo, some paintings by Celesti, by Palma il Giovane, by Zenon Veronese. High altar is by Sante Caregari. The left nave houses the chapel dedicated to Sant’Angela Merici, including paintings by Bertanza, Brusasorzi and Giandomenico Cignaroli. In the sacristy there is a good Deposition, attributed to Francesco Giugno, from Palma il Giovane school, and a rare portrait of Sant’Angela Merici, made by Alessandro Bonvicino, called Moretto.
The complex of the former convent of Santa Maria de Senioribus (fifteenth century) has been recently restored. Today houses the Civic Library and Prehistory Museum.

Garda church is the oldest one in the area, dating back to tenth century. In 1522 it was joined to Brescia Major Hospital. Dedicated to S. Mary, the church was rebuilt after the earthquake in 1117 and then renovated and amended in 1824. Its bell tower was built in 1571. Medieval church construction traces remain walled in the bell tower and in the cloister.
Santo Stefano church is next to the road that crosses the town, it was certainly built before 1687, date carved on the outside wall. In 1877 it was raised and restored.
S. Bernardo is another remarkable church, dates back to the beginning of fourteenth century (perhaps 1305). It was enlarged in 1872 and 1890.
Also San Carlo church, on the road that goes from Garda to Punta S. Vigilio, is an interesting church: it belonged to Becelli family and is now part of the Villa Albertini complex.

The ancient church of San Martino now destroyed, houses the cemetery.
Other churches to remind: San Nicolò al Porto (mentioned for the first time in 1320), Saints Rustico and Fermo, Saints Faustino and Giovita, Madonna della Pergolana, Saints Piero and Giuliano, as well as other minors speakers in various quarters, and of course, the current, nineteenth century church dedicated to Saints Martino and Zeno designed by Trezza and Ronzani, on the site of an old San Zeno that since 1530 began to be a parish church.
In Colà, San Giorgio church, dating back to the twelfth and thirteenth centuries is the parish having a rector. Rebuilt in 1762 was decorated by Piatti and then consecrated in 1927.
In Pacengo, the parish, dedicated to San Giovanni Battista, was built in 1787-1792 by L. Rossi design. It is enriched by Piatti paintings and by an high gorgeous marble altar (1793) and attributed to Zoppi and Spazzi, as well as stoups.

Maguzzano Abbey dates back to Renaissance; its interior is characterized by a single nave and preserves interesting frescoes and paintings, including “La Pala Assunta” by Moretto, 1552. In the cloister there are Renaissance columns.

Via Maguzzano 6
Località Maguzzano
25017 Lonato (Brescia)
Phone +39 0309130182 – +39 0309913871
Fax +39 0309913871

The church dedicated to Santo Stefano dates to Carolingian domination and inside were buried two hermits Saints Benigno and Caro. About this primitive church there are not remains, we only know that it stood on the site of the parish and who underwent a first restoration in 1313. In 1385 was built the rectory porch, that still exists. In 1729 the church was demolished in order to build the present one; inside there are still preserved many works of art, including the beautiful Deposizione di Cristo by Girolamo dai Libri, already in the church of Santa Maria in Organo in Verona.
Saints Benigno and Caro della Disciplina church dates 1532; Saints Nicolò and Rocco church is located at port place and was built in 1647.
It should be reminded also Our Lady Church, known as the Fountain because in the middle of the floor, under a stone, there is a spring water which were attributed prodigious effects. In seventeenth century thanks to the great influx of devotees the church was enlarged and transformed.
The list of churches includes also Santa Maria di Navene, 5 km far from the chief town, in the hamlet of Navene, dates in 1659, but more remembered in eleventh century documents. At Val Caseva  S. Michele church, dates 1159 owned by Santo Stefano parish, which was renovated again in 1595 and, finally, in 1908, elongated.

The Romanesque Santa Maria parish located in contrada Pieve Vecchia is the principal monument, its origins date back to the fifth-sixth century, but the building that we see refers to the twelfth-century and was restored in the seventeenth century. The interior has three naves, separated by mighty pillars: the original apses were three, but only one remained in the centre. On the walls are preserved fragments of thirteenth century frescoes and others, better preserved, date in beginning of fourteenth century. Also remarkable is high altar blade – Virgin with Saints Rocco and Sebastiano, Siro and Savino – an early work by Bertanza.
At Solarolo, Manerba Town Hall, there is the parish begun in 1746 and consecrated in Easter 1781. About six statues stand out from the facade, inside you can see a work by Trisuo and two paintings by Celestial (Sant’Angela Merici and l’Assunta).
Still in Solarolo rises to the great San Giovanni Decollato church, which belonged to Malta’s Knights.
In Balbian hamlet there is Santa Lucia church, dates back to the fifteenth century. The interior ending with a semicircle apse. On the walls, on triumphant arch and on the apse there are frescoes of the fifteenth century.

San Michele church has a pronaos dating back to the sixteenth century. The facade is characterized by an interesting tenth century relief, showing a cross inscribed in four corrections.
San Sivino Romanesque church, famous because in the Middle Ages used to house an exhibition where were exceptionally allowed games of chance, lies at lake foot. Outside there are impressed the so-called “devil fingerprints”, exorcized by a cross.
The parish church, dedicated to San Martino, has beautiful facade joined to the castle.

The beautiful S. Emiliano church in ancient times was the parish. Its construction dates back to the twelfth century. The interior is composed only by a room, having semicircular apse. Small singles windows inside.
Santa Maria parish church dates 1682 contains considerable paintings by Paolo Farinati (1522-1606) and Zeno Veronese (sixteenth century), you can also admire a magnificent Celesti altar-piece and two statues by Antonio Caregari (1699-1775).

Santa Madonna del Frassino Shrine: you can immediately notice its original facade preceded by a porch preserving seventeenth century frescoes; inside there is just a nave and conserves paintings by Farinati, frescoes by Mattoni and Zeno da Verona (San Pietro and San Giovanni Battista altar-piece). Near the shrine lies the Convent having two Cloisters. It was built in 1510.

Località Frassino, 4
37019 Peschiera del Garda (Verona)
Phone +39 0457550500
Fax +39 0457552063

The Dome is the parish church dedicated to the Virgin Mary Assumpted. The imposing building is in late Gothic style and its construction dates back from 1453, designed by Filippo delle Vacche architect. The external facade remained unfinished and has three doors: two little in Gothic style and the major one from Renaissance. Inside, richly decorated, has three cross-naves, divided by tall columns. The side chapels were built by San Carlo Borromeo the end of the sixteenth century and preserve paintings of great value due to the art of Paolo Veneziano, Moretto, Romanino Zenon Veronese and Celesti. The presbytery shows a magnificent Gothic crucifix By Giovanni da Ulm and works by Palma il Giovane. On the altar stands out more valuable fifteenth century wooden ancon.

Madonna del Carmine Shrine: fusion Romany-Gothic and Venetian-Lombard style character. We suggest it because houses votive fifteenth and sixteenth centuries frescoes.

25010 San Felice (Brescia)
Phone +39 036562032
Fax +39 036562364

Nearby Scovolo, there is the small church of San Fermo, built in the fifteenth century. The hut-facade and the single room interior contains a remarkable fresco by Giovanni da Ulm.
The parish church is date back in the sixteenth century, dedicated to martyrs Felice and Adauto. Inside there is a beautiful canvas by Romanino (Madonna in Gloria e Santi). Carloni has painted the vault frescoes; the picture that representing  Our Lady of the Rosary is by Bertanza.

Madonna di Montecastello Shrine: of Romanesque-Gothic era contains Renaissance frescoes dating back to the fifteenth century; we remind the miraculous image of Our Lady, unknown fifteenth century author, surrounded by four copper medallions by Palma, representing the Presentation to the Temple, The Annunciation, Jesus Birth, the visit of the three Magi.

Via Chiesa
25080 Tignale sul Garda (Brescia)
Phone +39 036573019 – +39 036573020

The sanctuary is open from 19 March to 30 October (9am – 6pm); remains closed during the winter season. During the months of July and August is daily celebrated the Mass in the morning, and in other times only festive Mass.

Montecastello Hermitage: rituals, spiritual exercises and training are the main religious activities. It lies next to Madonna di Montecastello Shrine.

25080 Tignale – Località Montecastello (Brescia)
Phone +39 0365 760255
Fax +39 0365 760055

Torri church was, in 1460, already a parish dedicated to Saints Pietro e Paolo. The present church, close to one of the Castrum Tower was erected on the ruins of another existing church, much smaller. Ended after 1730 and consecrated in 1812, preserves five beautiful marble altars and good paintings by S. Aragonese, F. Cappelletti, F. Cignaroli and Rotari. The tower was built at the beginning of the eighteenth century, on the basis of a tower attributed to Berengario. In front of the parish there is a trace of octagonal baptistery.
Don’t forget Trinity church that faces the castle in Piazza Calderini. Built in the fourteenth century, it needed for religious ceremonies that were celebrated when the Gardesana Council combined. It retains some fifteenth century well preserved frescoes. It is now consecrate to the Wars Fallen.
San Giovanni is an ancient church located into the cemetery; its most ancient building works seem to be Romanesque. It was expanded in the first half of the eighteenth century. It preserves fourteenth century frescoes trace attributed to Giovanni (or Bartolomeo) di Bardolino and a fresco traces attributed to Morone.
We remind also Sant’Antonio church on along the road that leads to the tiny village of Coi. Its oldest walls date back to the fourteenth century. It was extended in 1678 and in that occasion it probably changed the “owner” before Sant’Antonio was the Virgin Mary (Santa Maria delle Tezze). On the wall that looks toward the street there is a very interesting fresco that depicts Torri town how it looked in 1660. The other walls have frescoes of fifteenth sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Last, but not least, Saints Faustino and Giovita church, a kilometre far from  the chief town. Attests in fifteenth century documents it preserves inside Pietro Malerba tomb, who died in 1469, and valuable fifteenth century frescos, representing moreover also Saints Rocco and Sebastiano and Our Lady with the child.

Toscolano parish is dates back to the end of the sixteenth century and is dedicated to Saints Apostles Pietro and Paolo. The facade is unfinished and the Baroque portal, includes two red marble columns, coming from Roman villa. The interior retains many paintings by Celesti and by Brusasorzi. Don’t forget to see the majestic bishop chair of 1612. Located at the parish there is Our Lady of the Lake Shrine (Madonna del Benaco), built in simple Renaissance lines in the fifteenth century. In 1954, during restoration works, were discovered fifteenth century frescoes.
S. Andrea dating to the twelfth century, is the Roman church built over the remains of a Lombard church in Maderno, beyond the river that separates Toscolano from Maderno, even if the centre is just one. The facade is simple and the portal is dominated by a single window. The interior, newly refurbished, has three naves, divided by columns and pillars having Lombard capitals; here and there, there are remains of frescoes: beneath the presbytery has been restored a crypt with the Roman ark kept once S. Ercolano relics, now in the parish. The church preserves San Lorenzo Martyrdom, works of art by Bertanza, and an altarpiece depicting the Saints Filippo Neri, Carlo Borromeo, Gaetano and Giuseppe, del Paglia; dating to the seventeenth century is a canvas with the baptism of Christ. Frescoes date back to the fifteenth century.
Maderno Parish dates back to 1825, built over an ancient castle ruins which today remains only a tower converted into a bell tower. Inside it boasts valuable paintings, including an altar-piece by Francesco Bassano depicting Christ that appears to Sant’Andrea and to Sant’Ercolano painted during the prayer moment among Campione rocks by Paolo Veronese; other paintings by Bertanza and Celesti. It houses Sant’Ercolano relics, patron of the town and the Riviera Garda.
Romanesque is the fifteenth century Morgnaga church consecrated to S. Antonio Abate, it is declared a national monument. Keep a remarkable triptych with the wooden Sant’Emiliano statue and two other saints on either side, by renaissance school.
In Fasano, the church dedicated to San Faustino dates back to the second half of the seventeenth century. Inside, canvas by Ballini, which shows Christ died between Saints Faustino and Giovita.


Cisano Oil Museum
Phone + 39 045 6229047
Fax +39 045 6229024
Wine Museum
Phone + 39 045 7210022
Fax +39 045 6212702

Phone + 39 045 516413 – + 39 045 8971355 www.informagiovani.bovolone.net/services

Romanesque Villa
Phone +39 030 9143547
Rambotti Archaeological Museum
Phone +39 030 9144529

Valle Sabbia “Gruppo Grotte” Archaeological Museum
Phone +39 0365 371281 – +39 0365 371474

Phone +39 0365 20163
The Museum Divine Infante
Phone +39 0365 293105
Heller Garden Museum
Phone +39 336-410877

“Ugo da Como” Foundation and Podestà Residence
Telephone and fax: +39 030-9130060
Ornithological Museum

Castello Scaligero Museum
Phone +39 045 7400837

Archaeological Museum
Phone +39 0365 551269-551007

Rocca Monumental Complex
Phone +39 045 7550381 (fortress not open, visible only from outside)
Monument dedicated to the Fallen: a legionnaire trying to shelter his head by the, statue modelled by Ruggero Dondè, and also great is the big barracks at the church and three statues of ancient work, one of those is called “Madonna del Saòn” (austere female character who holds a book).

Civic Museum
Phone +39 0464 573869
Fax +39 0464 521680
Villino Campi
Phone +39 0464 556968
Fax +39 0464 555773

Nastro Azzurro Historical Museum
Phone +39 0365 20804
Civic Archaeological Museum
Phone +39 0365 20661
Civic design collection
Phone +39 0365 20338

Monumental Complex
Phone +39 030 9910370

Grotte di Catullo
Phone +39 030 916157
Fax +39 030 9906002
Closed on Monday (if holiday closed Tuesday).

Monumental Complex
Phone +39 0376 854019 or +39 030 9910370

Castello Scaligero Museum
Phone +39 030-916468
Closed on Monday
The ancient Captainship place, now Gardesana Hotel, built in 1452. Located in piazza Calderini, opposite the port.
Fourteenth century house, having porches and loggias, in piazza Calderini.
To the north stands Berengario Tower.
Next to the Council Palace there is an epigraph dictated by A. Poliziano in honour of Calderini humanist.

Paper Museum – Paper-mill Valley
Contact the City of Toscolano Maderno,
Phone +39 0365-540799


The castle: about the original castle of Bardolino (of the eleventh century) little is known. During Scaligeri time, the castle was rebuilt and expanded, its  walls reinforced by robust towers, bastions and battlements: surrounded by a moat, it communicated through Porta San Giovanni to the north Garda and through Verona port to the south-east. Only a few castle and fortifications ruins of Bardolino are now visible: the two entrance doors and the cut rectangular tower on the lakefront.
The villas:
Guerrieri Rizzardi Villa, dates in the nineteenth century, was built on the area of another one older. With a beautiful classic portal access to the garden in the country, has a considerable park, in front of the lake, with the remains of ancient castle or fortress.
Bassani Raimondi Villa, dates in the first nineteenth century, was appreciated, until a few decades ago, for a dense park, devastated by the war.
Also Giuliari Gianfilippi Villa was built in the nineteenth century; it has a beautiful park, lying along the lake, in the southern part of Bardolino bay, which is reflected park Bottagisio.
Bottagisio Villa, placed on the lakeshore, is a simple construction of the nineteenth century, having a beautiful park that stretches along the lake and occupies the entire northern part of Bardolino bay.
Ottolenghi House is recent, having been started in 1974, designed by Carlo Scarpa. The villa is spread over nine “giant” pillars, formed by discs of different material and colour. The terrace roof harmonises with the environment and seems to continue the slope combining hill behind the house.

The Castle dominates Desenzano from above. Built in the tenth century on the ruins of a Roman fortress, which was used for centuries to shelter the population during the siege: it was rebuilt at the ended in the fourteenth century, renovated in Austrian time, and then transformed into barracks: you can see some wall parts among the four corner towers. Inside the castle, a large yard.
Roman villa. In 1921, some remains of a large Roman villa were discovered by chance, they date back to the third or fourth century AD. It seems that the villa was built on a previous one date in the first century. Thanks to its rich mosaics (about 240 square meters), done using various colours showing scenes of dancing, hunting, fishing, harvesting and various geometric figures, and thanks to its beautiful triangular niches, the complex is one of the most important examples of Roman architecture in Val Padana.
There are many noble palaces. The principals are: Leoni-Andreis Palace (sixteenth century); Gialdi-Pozzi palace (sixteenth century), the two Andreis paleces (seventeenth and eighteenth centuries); Bevilacqua palace (sixteenth and seventeenth centuries); Bagatta palace (seventeenth and eighteenth centuries); Locatelli-Isonni palace (1786); Macchioni-Tonoli-Baresani palace, which in 1862 hosted Giuseppe Garibaldi; Alberti-Parini palace; Manzini palace (eighteenth and nineteenth centuries).

Palazzo dei Capitani, built in Venetian Gothic architecture, between the fourteenth and fifteenth century.
Palazzo Fregoso, built in the early sixteenth century by the Genoa commander Cesare Fregoso.
The Palazzo già Carlotti a Lungolago, by elegant sixteenth century forms, with external staircase in the south facade and a tower that boasts a large garden enclosed by walls and overlooking the lake. Inside remain some beautiful doors and the open truss ceiling of a large hall, now divided into various locals.

The villas:
Villa Albertini is located at the centre of the gulf of Garda. Composite architecture is owned by Becelli. Its major attractions consist in the park, which extends up to the hill and where there are several smaller buildings:
towers, belvedere, temples, pavilions, greenhouses, citron-grove, fountains and boulevards.
Villa Canossa a Scaveaghe has sixteenth century origin. Already owned by Carlotti, transformed and expanded by Franco architect in the nineteenth century. It is rich of works of art, located in a wonderful position, under the rocky mount, boating a vast park around and a beautiful garden in front.

La Rocca
The famous “Rocca” – called Queen’s – overhung the chief-town (294 m high) and used to dominate the lake since Lombard age. Another fortress seems to have been built in the place where is now the Hermitage (309 m high) and a “Castellum de Garda plana”. From the lower slopes of Garda Rock come many vintage Lombard finds discovered in the twentieth century.

Villa Alba, it’s a neo-classical building, stateliness look and fine architectural details: including the beautiful staircase, a fountain, colonnades and loggias, the great park with plants trees. The villa is now seat of the Community of the Garda.
The Botanic Garden was created in 1912 by Bohemian Arturo Hruska, in love with Gardone. The famous garden hosts more than 2000 varieties of plants and flowers, several exotic and alpine species. Divided into several areas, the garden contains streams and waterfalls, lakes and glades. Important – among the sights of this beautiful garden – the Metasequoia glibtostroboidees, discovered in China in 1945.
Vittoriale degli Italiani. It was the residence of the soldier and poet Gabriele D’Annunzio since 1921 until his death in 1938. Built on the hill of Cargnacco, in a nine hectares park, Vittoriale is a monument- villa composed by several buildings and other works, designed to celebrate mother-country cult and heroic ideals. Its various parts were gradually created by D’Annunzio and implemented by the Maroni di Riva architect. The complex has an “highly symbolic and evocative significance” and includes a museum that collects many documents about the Poet’s life, and various relics; are also considerable the rich library, the auditorium, the outdoor theatre, and the mausoleum, with the tombs of D’Annunzio, Maroni, and some legionnaires from Fiume, loyal to the poet.
The Old Port is framed by several homes, including the seventeenth century home owned by Delai earls, who piled a fortune providing anchors and chains in Venice. In the house was housed, in exile, Celesti the painter, who painted a fresco, representing the Virgin Mary and the angel.

The villas:
Just outside the village, there is Villa Montinghel, formerly owned by Brenzoni. It’s a simple home, surrounded by Moranic hills, vineyards and olive groves. At the bottom of a long avenue there is the tower, probably of the sixteenth century, and the manor house in two distinct styles. Wonderful rustic court, the large aviary and the kitchen-garden mostly flowers cultivated.
Villa da Sacco, sixteenth century construction, important is brick gutter frieze. Wonderful park, especially for its hilly position.
Villa “La Pergolana”, having a battlement castle shape, was built in the second half of the nineteenth century, designed by G. Franco, boating by a large park and garden toned down depth to the lake, and four solemn entrance.
Villa Conferazene, built before the seventeenth century, it was rebuilt and enlarged in 1790 by Earl Giovanni Battista Marastoni, who rebuilt in the same time also the adjacent church. The building is simple, surrounded by a splendid vegetation, especially cypress trees, which form a long alley and rise to groups around the villa.
Villa Fumanelli, in Colà, lies isolated on a hilltop, surrounded by a dense park dates back to the seventeenth and eighteenth century. Park equipped and transformed in nineteenth century by earl Girolamo Murari of Brà Court;
Villa Bagatta is a nineteenth century villa of Moorish architecture.
Villa Bottona, a great wide park stretches along the shore of the lake.

Palazzo dei Capitani
It is the town hall reflected on the lake, its construction seems to be done over remains dating back to the Roman age. Over the ruins of a first building, in fact, was constructed another building by Scaligeri, and then in the fifteenth century was sold by the owner Merchenti, to Miniscalchi. In 1477 the palace was rebuilt and was purchased in 1518 by the City to use it as the Captain house. The beautiful building was serious damage on July 30 in 1754 after a sudden flurry. This building hosted Lake Captains until the end of the Venetian Republic. A general restoration complex – especially the pictorial one – was finally completed in the 1929-30.
Castello Scaligero
It rises where in ancient time there was a fortress, which some ruins are remained among the walls. The building is never been a real residence, it was just a comfortable militias shelter, where they could check military and fiscal purposes, on all the lake. On the lake, in fact, took place smuggling between territories having different powers, particularly with Trentino, with Scaligeri first, Venetian then, and Italian finally, tried to suppress them to Valle dell’Adige, and to Lessinia and Baldo.
Malcesine Castle is also reminded about Goethe adventure in 1786, when he wrote a full diary about the ruins and authority thought that he was a spy and they wanted to imprison him.
The villas.
There are many twentieth century Villas in the area. They were built in the early century as Villa Bukner, Villa Gruber, Villa Pariani, al Comesel; villa Labia in Val di Sogno centre, above the provincial road; Villa Molitor, under the previous one, on the lake shores; Villa Noli, over the walls; Villa Bianca and Carera, in the north of the village; Villa Nichesola along the shore. Before 1915-1918 war, were also built in Corderolè, Villa Cerea alla Madonna, Villarose above the Christ, Villa Rustica in Sopri, Villa colonne al Cornesel, Villa sogno in the homonym island. In the third decade of the century villa Rondini rose to Christ, Villa lolanda al Corderolè, and Villa Irma and Giulia in Pisora, Villa Berti in Bordai, Villa Lombardi in Paina.

The Antiquarium: Set up recently, from the initiative of Historical and Archaeological Association of Valtenesi, collects important archaeological finds, especially Romany, found in Manerba.

The seventeenth century Villa Brunati, restored and inhabited by the early twentieth century by the studier and Senator Pompeo Gherardo Momenti, Venetian, conserves art treasures (tapestries, precious furniture, sculptures and frescoes by the best artists of the Venetian school).
The castle was built by Moniga dwellings during Hungarians invasions, in the ninth century; it presents rectangular shape, having the keep, 280 metres of embattled walls and seven minors towers. Leaved deserted, it was for centuries the homeless shelter. Inside there are several buildings still inhabited.

The castle, built to the end of the ninth century on the ruins of an ancient Roman fortress, is perhaps the oldest one in Valtenesi. Next remaking dating thirteenth and fourteenth centuries have given it its actual shape. The castle is rectangular and the entrance is topped by a tower. Inside the walls, along cobbled paving streets, there are still several homes, some of those recently restored.
Villa Barbieri, dates back to eighteenth century, it’s the current townhall.

Villa “Il Paradiso”. At the Mincio lies “Il Paradiso” (Heaven), villa restored in 1962, which dates back to the old 1536. Since 1734 Paradiso is owned by the Earl Albertini. You get in through a great wrought-iron gate, having pillars topped by Adam and Eve statues. The facade is important, and the centre it has a great pronaos having central gable and a beautiful staircase, which leads to the central hall.

Terzi-Martinengo Palace is located in Barbarano hamlet and it’s a fortified residence. It was built in the mid sixteenth century by the Marquis Sforza Pallavicino, Venetian Republic General, having a large park that descends to the lake. Massive tower guard; the two gardens (on the lake and on the hill) are really interesting having fountains and balustrades.
In Via Landi, there is the Laurin Hotel, originally Simonini Villa built at the beginning of the twentieth century following an Art Nouveau style. Inside, paintings by Bertolotti and Landi and beautiful vintage metal chandeliers.
Palazzo Fantoni. It has a beautiful fifteenth century facade, and it currently houses the Civic Library and the Historical military Nastro Azzurro Museum, which displays documents, relics, weapons and uniforms since 1796 to 1945. The building also hosts Salò University. In the courtyard you can admire various Roman tombstones.
The fifteenth century Magnifica Patria palace is located near the square. Built by Sansovino, in Venetian epoch, was rebuilt in 1905 and it’s now the townhall. Inside, frescoes by Bertanza and Landi, and a Zanelli statue representing Gasparo da Salo (1540-1609), which tradition attributes the violin invention.
The Civic Archaeological Museum is located at the Loggia della Magnifica Patria. It contains important findings, especially Roman: a funeral stele dating back to the third century AD, the funerary San Letilio Firmino stone; a vase-flask found in 1972 in Lugone necropolis, a beautiful, maybe oriental, glass cup finely decorated dates from the second century AD.

The Castle
The name of the town (formerly Castrum Turrium and Tulles) derives from the Scaligero castle towers which constitute the south side. There are three towers, and the oldest one is almost stones at the shore edge, the median is Scaligera and the third one is a kind of tuff and brick keep. At Torri Castle, the central fortress system of Riviera del Garda, even before in Malcesine, he heads the so-called “Gardesana dell’Acqua”. The complex consists of scattered remains of towers and walls and a real fortress, equipped by three towers: a rock one laying in the lake, of Roman origin, and two others on the coast. It’s a defence work having ancient origins.
In town periphery there is Villa Marlisa all’Ortaglia dating back to the eighteenth century.

Palazzo Nuovo. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, due to Gonzaga wants, was built in Maderno a large villa, originally five floors, in the middle of a vast park. Tradition say that the Palazzo Nuovo is nowadays Bulgheroni palace, also known as the Villa Lucia. The building has a set look, accentuated by a look-out turret with loopholes located on the boundary wall edge.
You have to see Villa Romana remains in Toscolano and we also suggest Villa Delay-Mafizzoli-Oddi dating back to the seventeenth century in Toscolano and Villa del Serraglio of 1653 in Maderno.