



Q. Where is the Residence Lake Garda?
A. Residence Garda Lake is located on Lake Garda at Pai fraction of  Torri del Benaco.

Q. How far is the Residence Lake Garda from Lake Garda?
A. About 20 meters

Q. The rooms and apartments overlooking the Lake Garda?
A. Yes, almost all apartments overlooking the Lake Garda.

Q. There are quiet rooms and apartments to enjoy silence and relax away from the noise?
A. Yes, Residence enjoys an absolute silence, is located high in relation to the road, then there is no noise. Moreover, the structure was designed with a special noise insulation, is immersed in a park of trees than 6000 meters.

Q. There are rooms or apartments with balcony?
A. Yes, all the apartments have private balconies with 30/35 square meters.

Q. The Residence has a swimming pool with lake view?
A. Yes, Residence has a beautiful swimming pool with sun Lago Vista, available to guests beds, chairs and umbrellas.

Q. There is a Jacuzzi bath?
A. Yes, with Hydrotherapy and at the request are the esseze fragrant. In low and middle season is offered the service bathrobes for guests.

Q. The rooms and apartments are equipped with linen?
A. Yes, all the rooms and apartments are equipped with bed linens, towels and kitchen and every accessory for the table

Q. What time is cheek-in-cheek and out?
A. The cheek-in is from 16:00 p.m. to 19:00 p.m. and cheek-out is at 09.30 at 10.00  a.m.

Q. There are rooms and apartments for non-smokers?
A. No. Only you can smoke outside, it is forbidden in the apartments.

Q. Has Residence Gardasee Car Park?
A. Yes, there are 2 parking lots, a high near the Residence, and a low front street Gardesana.

Q. If you arrive by plane you can have the transfer service?
A. It is only by reservation at least 1 week before.

Q. Up to how many people you can have the Transfer?
A. Up to 8 people with the van we have at our disposal.

Q. If you arrive by plane you can rent a car on the spot?
A. It gives the home can rent for its customers some Smart (2 seats), cabriot also equipped with navigation system.

Q. You can have the availability of a berth?
A. Yes, you can put more boats cart inside the park at a cost of 10 euros a day, and the buoy at the request depending on availability.

Q. Has the residence the restaurant?
A. No, there is no restaurant service

Q. Does the residence offer breakfast?
A. Yes it is included in the price.

Q. There are restaurants nearby?
A. Yes, there are close to many restaurants and pizzerias agreement from 10.00 euros per meal.

Q. There is a supermarket nearby?
A. It is near there are two supermarkets

Q. I accepted the little animals?
A. Yes, the animals are accepted at a cost of 10 euros per day.

Q. There is near a bus stop is public service?
A. Yes, the bus station public service is about 300 meters.

Q. There are free public services for tourists?
A. Yes, the City makes a service white buses free for tourists.

Q. You can call from your apartment? How much does it cost?
A. Each apartment has a telephone and with the number 20 you can ‘call the reception, with 0 you have the outside line. In any tobacconist you can buy prepaid telephone cards from 5 or 10 euros and use them from your apartment.

Q. there is a wireless Internet connection? How much does it cost?
A. Wireless internet is available at the reception and it’s free


  • The difference between the standard, classic, the family apartment and the apartment superior consists in the square meters of the same flats and terraces. (Superior Suite is 80 square meter large and has bathrobe service in the price included)


Average users: 8.9 (1 Opinions guests)

Features hide details 8.4
Cleanliness of rooms 9.0
Home received 9.0
Quietness of rooms 9.0
Spaciousness of rooms 9.0
Common Spaces 7.0
Professionalism of employees 7.0
Quality of service provided 9.0
Hotel surroundings 8.0

Correspondence between web pages and the reality hide the details 9.4
Prices offered 10.0
Services available 9.0
Photographs 9.0
Location on maps / charts 9.0
Type and number of rooms 10.0

Overall hide details 9.0
How do you rate your stay? 9.0

Value for Money hide details 9.0
How to judge the quality / price structure of this 9.0

Users’ comments

Average: 8.9 comment inserted Jul 29 2007
Type: Family with small children stay Jul 2007

Beautiful place, the photos on web were great but we were positively surprised when we got there. Small difficulties to get through the gate first time (the doorbell out of order). Construction work going but quite nicely “hided” from the guests. Lovely kitchen to make own dishes (we had a “bilo”).
Username: LK, Finland
shows details (Opens a pop-up)

Average users: 8.9 (1 Opinions guests)

Features hide details 8.4
Cleanliness of rooms 9.0
Correspondence between web pages and the reality hide the details 9.4
Prices offered 10.0
Overall hide details 9.0
How do you rate your stay? 9.0
Value for Money hide details 9.0
How to judge the quality / price structure of this 9.0

Important remarks:

Le cancellazioni pervenute per iscritto (tramite fax o via postale) entro 30 giorni dalla data di inizio del soggiorno, danno diritto al rimborso totale dell’importo versato; quelle pervenute entro il 21° giorno comportano la perdita del 80%; quelle pervenute entro 7 giorni o in caso di mancato arrivo alla data concordata (no show) la penale è pari al 100% della caparra; saranno in ogni caso trattenute Euro 100.00 per spese di prenotazione e cancellazione

Rücktritt und Kündigung, die schriftlich (per Fax oder Post) innerhalb von 30 Tagen vor dem Ankunftsdatum erhalten werden, geben Anspruch auf Rückzahlung des gesamten angezahlten Betrags; Rücktritt und Kündigung, die innerhalb von 21 Tagen vor dem Ankunftsdatum erhalten werden, führen zum Verlust von 70% des angezahlten Betrags; Rücktritt und Kündigung, die innerhalb von 7 Tagen vor dem Ankunftsdatum erhalten werden, führen zum Verlust des gesamten angezahlten Betrags. In jedem Fall werden 100 Euro für Reservierungs- und Kündigungskosten behalten

Written cancellations received (by fax or post) up to 30 days before the date of arrival entitle to repayment of the entire advance payment; cancellations received up to 21 days before the arrival date entail a loss of 70% of the total amount; cancellations received up to 7 days before the arrival date or in case of no show, the entire advance payment will be lost. In any case 100 Euro will be hold back for reservation and cancellation costs.

Les annulations reçues par écrit (par fax ou courrier postal) dans les 30 jours suivant la date de commencement de la résidence, le droit au remboursement total de la somme versée, celles reçues par le 21 e jour une perte de 70%, tandis que celles reçues par 7 jours ou si elle n’est pas la date d’arrivée (no show), la pénalité est égale à 100% du dépôt, sera en tout cas retenu 100,00 euros pour frais de réservation et d’annulation

Note importanti / Wichtige Anmerkungen / Important remarks:

Deposito cauzionale all’arrivo: 250 Euro ( solo in contanti). Sarà restituito il giorno prima della partenza entro le ore 19, cioè non prima di fine soggiorno.

Il saldo della vostra Vacanza deve essere corrisposto all’arrivo, alla consegna delle chiavi. Eventuali extra dovranno essere pagati il giorno prima della partenza.

Check in: dalle 12.00 alle 18.00 (dopo tale orario potrà essere applicato in time-out di 30 Euro per l’apertura Reception, se se non vi è stato dato un preavviso telefonico o via mail il giorno prima).

Check out: tra le 8.00 e le 9.00 (dopo le ore 12.00 verrà addebitata mezza giornata, dopo le 16.00 una giornata in più. Se i clienti prima di partire non restituiscono le tessere degli appartamenti verrà addebitato 20 euro. Se non vengono buttate via le immondizie negli appositi bidoni o se le cucine non saranno in ordine con tutto lavato verrà addebitata una pulizia doppia cioè 49 euro.

Kaution bei Ankunft: 250 Euro (nur Barzahlung). Zurückgegeben werden am Tag vor der Abfahrt innerhalb von 19 Stunden, also nicht vor Ende des Aufenthaltes.
Der Saldo der Ihren Urlaub zu zahlen bei der Ankunft, bei der Schlüsselübergabe. Jede extra gezahlt werden am Tag vor der Abreise.
Check-in: von 12.00 bis 18.00 Uhr (nach dieser Zeit wird in Time-out 30 Euro für die Eröffnung, wenn es einen Hinweis per E-Mail oder Telefon die am Vortag).
Check out: zwischen 8.00 und 9.00 Uhr (nach 12.00 wird einen halben Tag, nach 16.00 einen Tag extra. Wenn der Kunde, bevor Sie nicht das Karten der Wohnungen werden 20 Euro berechnet. Wenn Sie sich nicht weggeworfen Müll in die entsprechenden Behälter oder Küchen werden nicht gewaschen, mit beliebiger Reihenfolge wird eine Reinigungs-Platz, der 49 Euro.

Deposit on arrival: 250 Euros (cash only). Will be returned the day before departure within 19 hours, ie not before the end of your stay.
The balance of your holiday must be paid on arrival, before the keys. Any extra will be paid on the day before departure.
Check-in: from 12.00 to 18.00 (after that time will be applied in time-out 30 Euro for the opening reception, if there was a notice by mail or telephone the day before).
Check out: between 8.00 and 9.00 (after 12.00 will be charged half day, after 16.00 a day extra. If the customer before you leave do not return the cards of the apartments will be charged 20 euros. If you are not thrown away garbage in the appropriate bins or galleys will not be washed with any order will be charged a cleaning room that is 49 euro.

Dépôt à l’arrivée: 250 Euros (en espèces seulement). Sera retourné le jour avant le départ dans les 19 heures, c’est-à-dire pas avant la fin de votre séjour.
Le solde de votre séjour doit être payé à l’arrivée, avant que les clés. Tout supplément sera versé le jour avant le départ.
Check-in: de 12,00 à 18,00 (après ce délai sera appliqué dans le temps, à 30 Euro pour la réception d’ouverture, s’il y avait un avis par mail ou par téléphone la veille).
Check out: entre 8,00 et 9,00 (après 12.00 seront facturés demi-journée, après une journée supplémentaire 16.00. Si le client avant de vous laisser ne pas retourner les cartes de l’appartement sera facturé 20 euros. Si vous ne sont pas jetés ordures dans les bacs appropriés et de cuisine ne sera pas lavé avec n’importe quel ordre sera chargé de nettoyage des chambres qui est de 49 euros.